New Moon Manifesting Ceremony

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Online Zoom

Sunday, August 8, 2021 6:30-8:30PM ET (US)

Tonight is the 8/8 Lions Gate Portal, so be ready for some added fun!

Come join us in raising your vibration with a beautiful heart opening experience and collective manifesting. Enjoy the information for the new moon month and how you can navigate it and plan for new manifestations and goals.

As a new moon represents the start of a new lunar cycle, it symbolizes new beginnings. We use the energy of a new moon to achieve our goals or start on a new project. Come reflect on the old goals and set new ones.

Moon in Leo

You feel safe in moments when you can impress others and get praise and admiration. Yet, when you get into the spotlight, you may find yourself at a loss. Maybe you should admit your fear of criticism and your inability to accept criticism. It is very important to accept feedback and use it for improvement.

We will be releasing any beliefs that are holding us back from successful living and downloading new beliefs in a Theta brainwave.

Organs influenced by Leo Moon Sign: Heart, aorta, blood circulation, blood pressure, heart rate. We will work on strengthening these areas. These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.

Beth Newman, Master ThetaHealer Instructor/Practitioner will do a ThetaHealing Manifestation Meditation, belief releases and feeling downloads from Creator/Source Energy.

Helena Nash will sing for us to raise the vibration.

Jake Young will open and close the directions.

The cost is $11 via Venmo or Paypal Once payment is received we will send you the Zoom link. Pay using (281/844-2697) for Venmo or Paypal. Zoom link sent after payment is received. Or click link to pay at (scroll down on page to event listing).

$11 USD